What’s Touch Got To Do With It?

Karden Rabin of the Trauma Research Foundation discusses why embodied therapies are facilitating breakthroughs where conventional talk-based therapies have failed. Touch, embodiment, or what is often referred to as the felt sense is, in and of itself, a realm of consciousness. Not only that, it’s far older, more massive and arguably more important than our [...]

Inspire Yourself: Volunteer!

Judith Sullivan writes that volunteering short Zero Balancing touch sessions once a month for 13 years for staff, volunteers and sometimes 'guests' at The Haven, a multi-resource day shelter for the homeless in downtown Charlottesville, Virginia supports the community in many ways - and inspires everyone involved!     Read more:  https://thekeep.eiu.edu/ijzbtt/vol2/iss1/4/

Zero Balancing with the Dizzy Client

“Dizziness” is a colloquial term for the general experience individuals associate with a variety of problems with the vestibular system. Because “dizziness” is a general description of a symptom that may have a range of causes, seeking care from various medical specialists, the root problem is often missed, potentially leaving clients suffering for years. In [...]

The Memory Palace of Bones – Exploring Embodiment through the Skeletal System

David Lauterstein, a Zero Balancer, and Dr Jeff Rockwell, who has studied massage, Chiropractic, osteopathy and many other modalities, have jointly authored a book entitled The Memory Palace of Bones – Exploring Embodiment through the Skeletal System. It will be published by Singing Dragon in February 2023. In this article, published by Positive Health Online, they [...]

Integrating Psychedelic Experiences Through Touch

UK Zero Balancer James Salomons has undertaken an exploration of the role of bodywork in integrating psychedelic experiences. The project involved working with volunteers who are using psychedelics for therapeutic reasons, to see how Zero Balancing could help them integrate their experiences. The three volunteers that came forward each had three Zero Balancing sessions and [...]

Scientist say your mind isn’t confined to your brain or even your body

In this article for Pocket, Olivia Goldhill discusses how the mind extends beyond the physical workings of the brain. In his 2016 book Mind: A Journey to the Heart of Being Human Dan Siegel defines the mind as 'both embodied and relational', and suggests that changing our narrow, self-contained perception of mind is beneficial for [...]

Tiny habits that can improve your life

A list of 22 small habits that can improve your mental health. Of course we can also add getting a ZB to the list! The article was written by Amber Gibson for the Huffington Post. Read more here

Hands On Research: The Science of Touch

In this article published in Greater Good Magazine, Dacher Keltner discusses touch experiments, including the finding that subjects can discern another person's emotion, and in particular compassion, through their touch.  The findings show the potential of touch therapies to transform healthcare and medical practice. Read the full article here.

How Bones Communicate With the Rest of the Body

A new vision of the skeleton as a dynamic organ that sends and receives messages suggests potential therapies for osteoporosis and other problems. Over the past couple of decades, scientists have discovered that bones are participants in complex chemical conversations with other parts of the body, including the kidneys and the brain; fat and muscle [...]

Zero Balancing for Mind, Body and Spirit – an interview with Jim McCormick

Jim McCormick, an experienced Zero Balancing practitioner and teacher, was recently interviewed by the Energy magazine. The conversation explores the role of the bones as central to Zero Balancing, specific practitioner skills such as interface, and the transformative nature of Zero Balancing as a therapy. Throughout the conversation, Jim's love and tenderness in both his [...]

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