Mission and Background

Mission Statements


The ZB Touch Foundation provides a broad platform to promote the benefits of skilled therapeutic touch across all modalities, including Zero Balancing, in the service of wellness and personal transformation.

FOUNDATION STRAP LINE: “In the service of personal transformation.”


To provide overall guardianship of Dr Fritz Smith’s transmissions & teachings on behalf of the international Zero Balancing community by developing, upholding and refining visionary policies and strategies to fulfil the Foundation’s objectives.

Read more about the Main Board


To hold Midde C for the educational materials and Intellectual Property Rights of Zero Balancing worldwide.

Read more about the Education Committee


To offer an open, international online platform for advancing scholarly scientific, educational and artistic enquiry into the field of transformative touch for health, growth and personal transformation.

Read more about the IJZBTT Committee


To provide a forum for the advancement of research into Transformational Touch including Zero Balancing.

Read more about the Research Committee


The ZB Touch Foundation is an independent, non-profit organisation set up by Fritz Smith MD to protect the legacy of Zero Balancing in perpetuity. It is registered in Boston, MA and has been granted 501(c)3 tax clearance.

As part of this forward planning to protect the legacy of ZB, the ZB Touch Foundation has been working closely with Dr Fritz Smith to ensure Zero Balancing has sound organizational foundations to support and nurture the needs of our growing international community.

A key requirement in our retaining 501(c)3 charitable status is for the ZB Touch Foundation to explore the benefits of skilled touch on health, wellbeing and realising human potential by engaging in three key areas of activity: research, educational outreach and conferencing.

These responsibilities are currently shared by volunteer members of the ZB Touch Foundation Board, the Education Committee, the IJZBTT Committee and the Research Committee.

Discussion starts at 6.17 with Dr Fritz Smith’s introduction to the presentation:

“As you all know, the original purpose of creating the Touch Foundation was to create a repository for Zero Balancing. When I go on, we’ve already given all the property rights over to this group, and so Zero Balancing is self owned. Nobody owns it, everybody owns it, you’re all part of it. So I’m delighted to have a Foundation there.”