Meet the ZB Touch Foundation Board

On 15th February 2022 the ZB Touch Foundation Board met with members of the Zero Balancing community on Zoom, to speak about the role of the Foundation, its background, key activities and future plans. The Board also spoke about what joining the Foundation as a Board member would involve, prior to appointing Deborah Rosene. You [...]

Zero Balancing for Mind, Body and Spirit – an interview with Jim McCormick

Jim McCormick, an experienced Zero Balancing practitioner and teacher, was recently interviewed by the Energy magazine. The conversation explores the role of the bones as central to Zero Balancing, specific practitioner skills such as interface, and the transformative nature of Zero Balancing as a therapy. Throughout the conversation, Jim's love and tenderness in both his [...]

An Interview with Dr. Gail Dubinsky

An interview with Dr. Gail Dubinksy, an orthopedic medical doctor, manual therapist and Zero Balancer, sharing how Zero Balancing has transformed her practice. Listen here:

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