ZBTF logo:

A new, modern logo was created for the ZBTF by focusing on Fritz’s beautiful hand-drawn fulcrum design. It has been further developed for use on social media (as above) where we hope to build a positive international presence for Zero Balancing in the coming years.

ZBTF Website:

A new web domain at www.zbtouch.org has been registered and a skeleton site has been launched. We anticipate this website will eventually become an important global communications hub for Zero Balancing with various international links, a portal for data collection for research projects, digital archive information, ZB Blog, Curriculum Forums etc.

Digital Archive:

Another exciting project has been our collaboration with Todd Williams (based in San Francisco) who is creating a digital archive for Fritz’s Zero Balancing materials that will eventually be accessed via the ZBTF website. Todd has also been actively filming Fritz for some time, including his new Zero Balancing and Consciousness class recently held in Austin TX. Many of these videos are currently available on You Tube. We are also considering how best to create a physical archive for teaching materials such as skeletons, skulls, books and so on that could be bequeathed to the ZBTF.

Co-sponsoring IONS International Conference:

We also took a leap of faith last January and signed up as a co-sponsor of the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS) 16th International Conference. The Institute of Noetic Sciences™ is also a 501(c)(3) non-profit charity and was founded in 1973 by Apollo 14 astronaut Edgar Mitchell. IONS primary activities are focused on leading-edge research into the potentials and powers of consciousness, exploring phenomena that do not necessarily fit conventional scientific models while maintaining a commitment to scientific rigour. Sound familiar?

The main intention for the ZBTF presence at this conference was to introduce to the IONS community the concept and experience that consciousness can be engaged and expanded through touch. The IONS conference was a stellar platform for the ZBTF to launch its inaugural public presence, for our work to be felt and experienced, and for us as ‘Ambassadors of Touch’, to be impacted by the group field of this very inspiring and innovative organisation.

We recognise that sharing what we know about skilled touch as a way to transform consciousness, can be a huge part of our world work, so the ZBTF is also exploring the possibility of our partnering with other like-minded organisations with a ZBTF Touch Symposium on the horizon in the coming years and looking to step up as a lead speaker at the IONS 17th International Conference 2017.

International Faculty Retreat – Mexico Feb 2016:

We are also delighted to be involved in the forthcoming Zero Balancing International Faculty Retreat that is being held in February 2016 in Mexico. The retreat, organized by the US Faculty Committee, is a unique opportunity for ZB Teachers from around the world to come together and connect in person through a shared field of experience, insight and inspiration.

We anticipate an exciting week together with opportunities to co-create and expand the field of Zero Balancing, grounding and embodying that field through touch. Of special interest to the Envisioning Committee will be time for the initial exploration of a number of curriculum developments.

“When I envision the Faculty Retreat, my Donkey feels the sublime trust of leaning into kindred spirits.  I feel buoyant in a palpable field of higher purpose and loving support.  I feel free to be my true self at all times and see the true brilliance of my colleagues. I am open to the emergence of generosity and genius. I am laughing and being inspired.  I am resting deeply and revitalized completely.  I am creative and playful on my leading edge. I am participating fully.” Michele Doucette

“When I envision the Faculty Retreat, I feel excitement to learn from one another, relax into our group field, the field of Mar de Jade, the field of all the dreams for ZB in the world.  When I think of sharing what the ZBTF has been working towards, I feel a wave of appreciation for what this non profit status has made possible, anticipation for what new research and educational initiatives may bring and the joy of being with friends and colleagues able to weave our dreams into reality. I see us being able to laugh at ourselves and share the fun of restorative time, soaking in all we need to bring personal and planetary healing forward together.” Mary Murphy