Group 4: The Hip and The Foot


Stream 4 videos with a total time of 89.21 mins
Expires: 120 days

• Hip Evaluation – 18.47
• Basic Hip fulcrum – 24.47
• Foot evaluation – 31.05
• 2-Handed Foot Fulcrum – 15.22

Full descriptions of the videos are below



The Hip and The Foot
Stream 4 videos with a total time of 89.21 mins

Hip Evaluation – 18.47
Demo of hip fulcrum focusing on how to position oneself, to protect the knee and to read quality of ligamental tension by multiple internal and external rotations in the long axis at blue line of hip. Hip also offers access to the SI joint. Discussion of importance of table height. Some Q&A and importance of clean disconnect.

Basic Hip fulcrum – 24.47
Starts with the six valuations of hip movement. Basic positioning, picking up and engaging whole person. Hip Fulcrum – going through the stages of the fulcrum. Releasing the hip fulcrum. Basic hip fulcrum demo – “Tenderness and Consideration go a long way”. “Not interested in Range of motion, looking at energetics of End range”. Talks about contraindications and working with hip replacements and about building the fulcrum, with micro pauses between the three stages.

Foot evaluation – 31.05
Description of Foundation joints of foot. Childhood patterns held in feet with energetics and functions of the foot. Location of tarsal bones and how to evaluate with demo: hand position & direction with final read.

2-Handed Foot Fulcrum – 15.22
Discussion of diagrams in work book with explanation of theory, evaluation and demonstration of 3 steps. How to position both hands over top of foot and dorsiflex it. Importance of engaging whole person. HMV into the tarsal bones. Imprtance of re-evaluating foot.


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