Group 8: Dorsal Hinge to SI Joint with 1st Half Moon


Stream 8 videos with a total time of 94.27  mins
Expires: 120 days

• Seated SI evaluation & 1st HMV – 20.37
• SI Joint Evaluation – 21.15
• Lumbar Spine – 7.12
• Dorsal Hinge – 11.35
• Half Moon Vector – 23.37
• Fulcrums, Pelvis to Dorsal Hinge – 8.28
• ZBI Day 1 sample – 1.24
• ZBI Day 2 sample – 1.39

Full descriptions of the videos are below



Dorsal Hinge to SI Joint with 1st Half Moon
Stream 8 videos with a total time of 94.27  mins

Seated SI evaluation & 1st HMV – 20.37
Overview of anatomy of SI – know your landmarks & how well does energy move through this joint. Good positioning & use of thumbs. Various demos. Certain fulcrums have signatures – stuck energy, Summary of sitting evaluation and description of opening HMV.

SI Joint Evaluation – 21.15
Anatomical explanation of Dorsal Hinge to pelvis. Energetics of spine. Location and demo os SI evaluation. Demo of under the pelvis evaluation. Q&A: if one side is higher and what you might feel under ASIS.

Lumbar Spine – 7.12
Details on anatomy and where to work. Working on bone on tip of transverse process of each lumbar vertebrae. Looking for bone and tissue gold from L1 through to L5 and finish on sacrum. Can be congested without pain. Student exercise and Q&A.

Dorsal Hinge – 11.35
Use body weight as your friend. Dorsal Hinge defined as T12 this is usually where the angles of the rib facets change direction. Talk about rib and muscle attachments and our area of reference for the Dorsal Hinge is 10th, 11th, 12th ribs. Looking for how it “feels”; how to palpate the lower ribs with a review and tips.

Half Moon Vector – 23.37
Position, Pause, Action (action is evaluation or fulcrum) – Demo of Fulcrum, talks about how the client’s body should be on table; ZB’ers position for half-moon; Hand position for foot; Blue line diagram in relation to half-moon. Demos half-moon on student who then shares their experience. Another demo on different student. Discusses getting behind yourself; working with a larger person. Ends with diagram of a half-moon comparing straight and curved pulls.

Fulcrums, Pelvis to Dorsal Hinge – 8.28
Starts by demonstrating the fulcrums in the air then talks about where and how to put in fulcrums. Question – “Is bone gold always tender?”; Question: “How long should I hold a fulcrum?”; “How many Passes should I make”. Discusses the importance of fulcrums into the sacrum.

ZBI Day 1 sample – 1.24
Dr Smith describes and demonstrates hand placement for the Half Moon Vector (HMV) and the seated Sacro-iliac (SI) evaluation.

ZBI Day 2 sample – 1.39
Dr Smith talks about working with the tension in the lumbar spine and gives a description and demonstration of the basic hip fulcrum.

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