Group 7: Zero Balancing Theory


Stream 7 videos with a total time of 98.17 mins
Expires: 120 days

• Vocabulary of Touch – 23.40 min
• The Blue Line – 8.02 min
• Range of Motion Theory – 8.48 min
• Particle Wave, Energy Structure – 6.46 min
• Energy Model – 22.55 min
• Fields & Fulcrums – 15.08 min
• Skeleton, Bone & Foundation Joints – 14.18 min

Full descriptions of the videos are below



Zero Balancing Theory
Stream 7 videos with a total time of 98.17 mins

Vocabulary of Touch – 23.40 mins
Dr Smith discusses the concept of touching the energy and structural bodies both separately and together. He defines the meaning of the “donkey” and “donkey touch” emphasizing the importance of establishing trust through touch. The meaning of “interface” is explained in contrast to “blending”, “streaming” and “channelling”.

The Blue Line – 8.02 mins
Dr Smith talks about “tension” in the body as the energy engaged in ZB and how the “blue line diagram” is a visual way of distinguishing between looseness and the meaningful engagement of the fields of tension where fulcrums are effectively placed, contacting both energy and structure in the body.

Range of Motion Theory – 8.48 mins
Dr Smith discusses ROM theory in relation to the hip evaluation. He encourages exploring what ligaments feel like when they are initially engaged rather than finding the end range of motion (EROM), especially the involuntary EROM.

Particle Wave, Energy Structure – 6.46 mins
Dr Smith discusses the primary model by which Zero Balancing can be understood: that Light behaves as both particle (structure) and wave (energy). The structural body (bones, joints, ligaments) and the energetic aspects (movement, vibration, tension, emotion) are both distinguished and integrated in a ZB session. 

Energy Model – 22.55 mins
Dr Smith explores the simple energy model of all vertical objects including the skeleton. Layers of the body conduct energy in different patterns. Dr Smith elucidates these layers – bone, soft tissue, Wei Chi, and the background field. He defines “free standing wave forms” and other subtle body flows of energy.

Fields & Fulcrums – 15.08 mins
The “sailboat model” is defined by Dr Smith as the integration of how the energy and structural bodies meet and work together. He discusses the subject of how clearer, stronger fields can override more disorganized fields. Three types of fulcrums are mentioned as methods of creating these stronger fields.

Skeleton, Bone & Foundation Joints – 14.18 mins
Dr Smith lists the foundation and semi-foundation joints, describing the characteristics that distinguish them from the freely moveable joints. He points out the properties of bone and the whole skeletal system, describing them as conductors of energy in the body –  transmitters of vibration and electrical charge as well a holding ancestral information and childhood conditioning.


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